Soul-Healing Hypnotherapy
Soul-Healing Hypnotherapy
My hypnotherapy practice is focused on strengthening your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. That means I specialize in resolving any codependent ways of thinking about yourself, the world, and your place in it; along with shifting the unhelpful behaviors that result from those old ways of seeing yourself.
Perhaps your self-confidence was damaged by trauma or a toxic family of origin...
Perhaps you never learned how to manage your personal boundaries and stand up for yourself...
Perhaps you weren't taught how to positively channel your psychic or empathic abilities...
I guide my clients to rediscover the resilient, confident people they've always been, but have forgotten.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is hypnosis?
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind: a state of both deep physical and mental relaxation which conversely allows for a narrowing down of focus. We naturally pass through hypnosis (the alpha and theta brain wave ranges) on our way into sleep (delta) and again on our way back to the full waking state (beta) every day.

Because it is a natural function of the human brain, hypnosis can occur spontaneously: if you have ever been so engrossed in a book or movie, or in the doing of a task, so that you lose awareness of your surroundings and the passage of time, then you have experienced a light hypnotic state.
How many times have you been driving down the road when you've suddenly realized that you've missed several exits and ended up somewhere you habitually go, rather than where you were intending? Well, that's what we jokingly refer to as "Highway Hypnosis".
What's the difference between Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis?
What's the difference between Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is the process by which you take yourself (as in self-hypnosis) or a trained facilitator guides you into a deeply relaxed state, usually in the low-alpha or high-theta brainwave range. Anyone can learn the basics of hypnosis in an afternoon, but to be really good at it, as many stage hypnotists are, takes years of practice.
Hypnotherapy combines the ability of hypnosis to connect with the subconscious mind and the training in therapeutic modalities to create a powerful synergy for healing. Client-centered hypnotherapy allows you to clearly identify and solve your problems by connecting with your own inner wisdom and intuitive guidance.
Can you make me do something against my will?
Can you make me do something against my will?
The short answer is NO. Neither I nor anyone else can ever make you do anything against your will, your morals, or your beliefs, even in the deepest levels of hypnosis -- no matter what you've seen on TV or in the movies. The longer answer is that consciousness never disappears in hypnosis -- you are not unconscious or sleeping -- and in fact, you most likely will be fully aware of everything I say to you. If I ever say anything that doesn't fit for you or I give a suggestion that you don't agree with, you are completely able to verbalize that to me, and I will change the suggestion.
"DeAnna's calm and soothing nature, gentle character, and high level of professionalism have helped me to get 'unstuck' and to successfully begin to unravel some intensely emotional childhood issues that have kept me playing life small. She has been invaluable in assisting me with clarifying and owning my own spiritual path.”
~~ Craig B.
What about stage hypnotists? Don't they make people do crazy things they wouldn't normally do?
What about stage hypnotists? Don't they make people do crazy things they wouldn't normally do?
It does seem that people get up on a stage and lose all inhibitions when hypnotized, doesn't it? A good stage hypnotist is first and foremost putting on a show, but if we take a look at what's really going on, you'll see that the hypnotist isn't as all-powerful as he seems.

The most important thing to know is that you cannot be hypnotized without your consent. Stage hypnotists always begin the show by calling for volunteers. This does two things: firstly, everyone who volunteers is automatically agreeing to be hypnotized; and secondly, the physical act of coming on stage builds their expectation that they will be. That allows for a very rapid induction of the hypnotic state.
Next, stage hypnotists will look for people who are willing to do some of those silly things that make for a good show: however, at no time does the hypnotist have power over the subject. If the subject doesn't want to follow the hypnotist's suggestion, then he or she simply won't do so.
Stage hypnotists give people the opportunity to be the class clown without getting in trouble for it. For some, that's a vindication of their repressed childhood spirit right there! In fact, the whole process gives volunteers a chance to be on stage and make people laugh without having to worry about "propriety" and what others think about them because they can always use the hypnotist as an excuse.
Are there people who are "unhypnotizable"?
Are there people who are "unhypnotizable"?
Yes, roughly 10% of the population is considered to be "unhypnotizable", for two different reasons. Firstly, very young children (usually under age 6), people with moderate and low-functioning autism, and those with IQ's below 70 do not have the capacity to understand what a hypnotherapist is doing, let alone the ability to focus for the long periods of time needed to sustain a hypnotic state without going to sleep.
The second group within this 10% consists of those with mental illness, such as psychotic episodes, paranoia, manic-depression, and schizophrenia. Hypnosis is contraindicated for this group because they do not have a firm enough grasp on reality as it is, and hypnosis will make those conditions worse. If you know you have a borderline condition, I strongly suggest you do not undertake hypnotherapy at this time.
So, if you are part of the other 90% of the population and someone told you that you were "unhypnotizable", they were greatly mistaken. As I said before, no one can hypnotize you without your consent: therefore, if you are not comfortable with the therapist, the surroundings or the process -- or simply not ready to make changes in your life -- then, of course, you will naturally resist, and you will not be relaxed enough to enter a hypnotic state at that time.
Will I say things I don't want to?
Will I say things I don't want to?
Hypnosis is not a "truth serum", and you will not bare your soul if you don't want to. You are always in control of what you say, so your deep, dark secrets are safe -- unless you're ready and willing to share them in order to facilitate healing and forgiveness around an issue.
Can I get stuck in hypnosis?
Can I get stuck in hypnosis?
No, you can't get "stuck" in hypnosis (again, please disregard any movies or TV shows you've ever seen that suggest otherwise!). Even if the therapist were to leave the room, you would either fall asleep and wake up naturally, or you would come back to full awareness on your own. The truth is that you can emerge from a state of hypnosis whenever you want.
“Working with DeAnna has given me the tools I need to face some major challenges in my life. Her hypnotherapy sessions have helped me in connecting with the calm that escapes me from time to time. Thank you DeAnna for your healing gifts."
~~ Sherri T.
Does this go against my religion?
Does this go against my religion?
Only you can decide that for yourself, but here are some things to consider:
1. Hypnotic states are a natural function of the human brain.
2. No one can hypnotize you without your consent.
3. Because you are conscious the entire time, you cannot be made to do anything against your morals, your ethics, your beliefs, or your will.
4. You are always in complete control of the session, and can come out of hypnosis any time you wish.
5. Hypnotherapy itself is of a non-religious nature, but I always take time before the session begins to silently ask for Divine guidance, assistance and support. I will be sensitive to your religious beliefs at all times during our session.
What does it feel like to be hypnotized?
What does it feel like to be hypnotized?
The hypnotic state is one of profound relaxation and ease. Most people experience one or more of the following:
1. You may feel so relaxed that you don't want to move.
2. You may have a feeling of either heaviness or lightness in your arms and legs.
3. You may feel numbness, dullness or a pleasant tingling in your feet or hands.
4. You may feel as if you're floating dis-attached from your body.
5. You may feel so detached from the environment that the surrounding sounds/noises seem distant and far away.
Nearly everyone feels rested, refreshed and energetic after a session because as far as the body is concerned, 15 minutes in hypnosis is the same as an hour of deep, restful sleep.
How many sessions do I need?
How many sessions do I need?
How many sessions you need depends entirely on the issue you come in for, your age, and your willingness to do the "home fun" assignments between sessions. I strongly suggest a minimum of 3 sessions to get you started, but it takes time to shift old patterns of belief about yourself, the world, and your place in it.
Age is also a factor to consider: teens and young adults are able to make changes more quickly and more easily than those in middle age; and they, in turn, are able to do so more quickly than those who are over age 70. Still, there is no hard and fast rule here, and willingness to change is the most important factor of all.
However, no matter what the issue that brings you to hypnotherapy, any underlying emotional issues and blockages will be gently dealt with in order to foster the positive self-image and self-acceptance necessary for creating lasting change and well-being.
Where are you located?
Where are you located?
I am currently located in Fair Oaks, CA (95628), and my address will be given to those who make in-person appointments. I also offer sessions via Zoom or Skype. The idea of doing this kind of work remotely may seem strange, but I have successfully worked with clients not only in other cities and states, but also in other countries around the world! If you would like to schedule a Zoom session, you'll need a stable internet connection, good headphones with a microphone, a comfortable place to recline, and the assurance of privacy for the duration of your session.
How do I make an appointment?
How do I make an appointment?
Call me at (916) 710-1313 or fill out the 'contact me' form for a free 15-minute consultation and to schedule an appointment.