I have worked successfully via Zoom with people in other cities, states, and countries! If you'd rather stay home, and you have the internet capability, a Zoom session might be right for you.
What is Soul-Healing Hypnotherapy?
All my sessions center around you: bridging you towards wholeness on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level.
Shamanic Healing sessions mostly focus on this life: retrieving parts of your soul-energy that have fled as a result of trauma, releasing from your energy field what isn't yours, and empowering you to move towards fuller, integrated embodiment.
Past Life Regressions focus on lives your Soul has lived before and how their death traumas and "unfinished business" echo forward into this one, creating problematic patterns that you're compelled to repeat. Once we clear them, you'll be free to move forward with renewed passion and purpose for this life.
Life Between Lives sessions guide you into exploring who your Soul is between lives. We'll often connect with your Guide and Soul Family, with options to visit the Council and the Library (Akashic Records), to experience what your Soul is learning and experiencing on the Other Side, and to explore the life-planning process your Soul went through in choosing this life.
Hypnotherapy and EFT sessions allow for further release of old patterns and integration into your new way of being in the world.
Isn't it Time ​for You?

People often make the mistake of thinking that personal growth is a luxury -- something to focus on after everything else is done.
However, I've found that when you focus on healing yourself first, then all the other things you're wanting to create in your life will be in alignment with your new way of being in the world.
The good news is, this is the perfect time to work on self-healing.

"DeAnna is a truly gifted healer and Hypnotherapist. I immediately felt safe, confident, and secure in her peaceful presence. Her technique is so inviting, and she intuitively knows which direction each session will take. Often before I even arrive, she will have already hit on something which I had yet to discuss with her. Most importantly, she is helping me to really see and know that I already am a healthy and vibrant person. She radiates love and helps others to see their worth through her eyes. I highly recommend her to anyone."
~~ Kimberley R.
Call today, or fill out my 'contact me' form, for a free 15-minute consultation and to make an appointment.
(916) 710-1313
I am located in Fair Oaks, California (USA)
(the greater Sacramento area)